Japan 2017: Tokyo, Day One

We had a really great flight! I was able to sleep the first half of it with the help of some delicious buffalo trace and a small sleep aid, and woke up at 10:30am Tokyo time towards the end of the flight. We’re about an hour delayed, so when we land around 4pm we’ll check into our hotel, find a fun place to get dinner in the city, and probably just wander around until then!

Tim took a few naps throughout the flight so I’ll be interested to see how he handles the jet lag this afternoon. I do have to say, this has been the best international flight we’ve been on. The seats were private, EXTREMELY comfortable (I was the only one to request the Saks fifth avenue mattress pad and I don’t care it was complementary and I slept AMAZING) with plenty of room to spread out in. So for now, I will allow the affair with United to continue.


Waiting for the Train

The Narita Express to Tokyo Station

On the airport train, the Narita Express, on our way into Tokyo! Our JR pass is only for 7 days, so we had to purchase a one way ticket to get to the hotel this evening. I am feeling GREAT! No jet lag, ready for dinner, and excited to get to our hotel and check in!


Tim had a bottle of Sake waiting for me in the room!



We had an incredibly adventurous dinner in a sushi place located in this crazy maze of shops underneath our hotel. We just ate whatever they gave us, and Tim did AMAZING. I was doing well until we had a roll which I THINK may have been Uni. My cheeks puffed out, I choked a bit, and then forced my gag reflex back down with all the shame I’ve ever summoned in my entire life. It was a VERY close call. Despite that, I was able to finish dinner, and we headed up to the hotel lounge for a nightcap!

and raisins?

The weirdest Manhattan Ever

I ordered a Manhattan (it was on the menu so I thought it was a safe bet). What I got was a glass stuffed with dried fruit and raisins, two massive pieces of ice, and an orange slice. It wasn’t bad, but it definitely wasn’t a Manhattan. I don’t even know what to compare it to, I’ve never seen a cocktail like it anywhere. But, when in Tokyo!

Zoom Zoom

So many trains!



We are up and had breakfast in the hotel in front of Tokyo Central Station. What a great view of the old station! We cheated and had French toast, hash browns, and sausage (not exactly traditional Japanese far), but we’re staying in a western hotel and I felt I earned it after my uni experience.


English Breakfast Tea Service for One!

And now we’re off to go on our first day adventure! Will try and post tonight or tomorrow morning – just before we leave for Kyoto!

P.S. Apparently my blogging software disabled my spelling and grammar check, and had I known that I would have proofread the last post a little more carefully. As such, I have corrected all of the shameful mistakes in the last post, and beg you to pretend they never existed in the first place. Scouts Honor, it won’t happen again.

Japan 2017: Departure Day

I suppose I could just start calling this a travel blog since thats when I post most often. You’d think now, having almost an entire semester of my MFA in Creative Writing under my belt, that I would be posting on a regular basis – bestowing beautiful words upon all of you at my leisure. You’d be wrong!

Sorry that information is classified

Hover over the image to find out where its located


I AM looking good

Thanks Classified bathroom

We drove to Newark last night and stayed in a hotel next to the airport – our flight leaves at 11am this morning so we figured it would allow us to sleep a little longer this way. Wrong again! We were invited to dine at the hidden restaurant Classified as part of Tim’s affair with United Airlines. I would be jealous, but I’ll never be able to compete with United, so I just let them give him nice things like exclusive restaurant access and Polaris business seating, as long as they’re willing to include me in the deal. So we booked a reservation for 8am and had a quiet, delicious breakfast.

We take off at noon which is 2AM tomorrow in Tokyo, and although we should try and go to sleep right as soon as possible, that would mean missing our four course dining service which we simply couldn’t do.

Chilled Appetizer
Smoked nori-wraped salmon, edamame, radish, edamame hummus


Cabbage, bok choy, carrot, mango, served with dressing and assorted breads



Spicy Chicken
Thai-style coconut-ginger broth, udon noodles



Signature Sundae
Served with a choice of toppings


And maybe just a little buffalo trace, since they put my favorite bourbon on the flight for me and everything. I couldn’t just NOT drink it I mean, that would be inconsiderate. Right?

Lay flat seats! Pillow Mist!

Polaris Cabin


Then likely a nap. I’m sure when we get into Narita we’ll be lagging, but we only have to stay awake for, what, 7 hours? Yes, we’ll have to fight through 7 hours. So I’ll have plenty of time to post about our first day, which means if I don’t you can complain.

All for now – bon voyage!

Groundhog Day

Dear Readers,

I’ve been asking myself lately, “Do you even blog, bro?”. I used to know the answer. I used to be SO confident, like, yeah bro, I blog. But lately, I just don’t know bro, I just don’t know.

Pouring over the last few posts the dates don’t seem to line up with reality. In Chris World (which can be an intensely frightening place – I’ll try to keep you as far away from it as possible) we have just moved out of our temp living apartment. But in Real World, we’re already coming up on our one year anniversary of living on the mainline outside of Philadelphia. In Chris World, all of my friends and family have been out to see me in the last few weeks, but Real World these weeks are actually months. Months and months of jumping through the moving hoops like finding new places to buy groceries, new doctors and vets and places to wash my car, new banks and new restaurants, new new new! Who ever knew everything could be so new!

Anywho, it’s still pretty quiet on the friend front. I seem to be digging up and polishing old friendships instead of crafting new ones, but given that our 5 year plan is in motion I’ll let that stand for now. The one or two new friends I’ve made here in the last year (why is everything rhyming today?) have sort of fizzled out unimpressively. Disappointing, but if I remember right it took me a good two years to make friends in Denver, so, par. Feels like double bogey, but probably par.

I start my Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Rosemont in a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. This will be a place to make friends, maybe a whole writer community I can grow with. It’s a small program and a small school, but as with most things I think if I put a lot into it I should be able to wrangle a lot out. Who knows? I mean you will, probably, because I’ll blog about it, but still.

Things are going OKAY with my whole grieving process. I can’t say it’s something I’d like to do ever again, even though I know someday I will. Some days are easier, and some are harder, and some seem like they’re going great and then the grief monster leaps out from behind the corner and mauls my face so it looks like I just saw titanic for the first time and I can’t explain what set it off I am just so sad. I usually call my little sister on those days and she has been great support. Everyone needs a little sister.

I think that’s about good for now. I’m punxsutawney Chris, peeping my head out from my proverbial winter to let you all know that no matter how long it lasts, spring is sure to follow. Hopefully the next update will be sooner instead of six more weeks.

Love Always,