Sugarloaf, Diving, and Athletics

We’re catching up quick now…

Taking the cablecar up Sugarloaf Mountain

We finally got to go all the way up to Sugarloaf Mountain. (There are those SWEET LINKS again! You’re going to be so smart about Brasil!) We had to take a cablecar to the first peak, and then a second cablecar to the top.

View of a plane taking off from the airport seen from Sugarloaf

It was crazy steep all the way around, but a beautiful peak and lots of fun wildlife up there. You could even see all the way out to Christ Redeemer.

somebodys watching me


There were some beautiful birds up top, and even some Marmosets that live up there!
It was a busy day though, and we had to make it to Olympic Men’s Diving before we went to Athletics later in the day.


Men’s Diving was probably one of the most fun events to watch, because we were in the running for gold and because there was some serious competition. Sets run pretty consistently so you don’t get very bored, and it’s overall a great experience unless someone can’t control their kid and they kick you in the head every-timeeverytime the crowd cheers.


There were all different kinds of dives.

Just kidding

The judges looked comical in their rain covered booths.


And then we had to be off to Athletics!

Usain Bolt

Athletics was like hanging out with your best friend in Elementary school that had ADD but his parents never remembered to give him his Ritalin. At one point, we had a relay race going on and in between laps on both sides there was javelin throwing and high jump going on. I was really hoping to see a High Jumper get stampeded or a Javelin thrower miss and accidentally hit someone on the track but apparently these people are fairly good at what they do so no such luck.

Then what

USA about to win gold

Because of everything going on it was hard to tell who was winning in any one events.


But we did win the Men’s 1500m!

Winning Silver

Lastly, the Women’s High Jump winner was bizarre. I think she practiced witchcraft before every jump. Here is her flaunting her spell power after winning Gold on a technicality.

She has a sweet costume though. I would totally dress like that for halloween.

Men’s Volleyball, Women’s Soccer, and a Fancy Pants Dinner

Here we go… rapid fire blogging!!!

We were at the Men’s Volleyball final – but only for bronze. After Russia was defeated it began to rain (I’m pretty sure Rasputin was at the match as well), and not having anything to cover my camera I suggested we make a run for it.

Holland putting the smackdown on Russia

Holland putting the smackdown on Russia

The next day we saw the final for Women’s Football, or Foo-chee-ball if you are Brasilian, and man soccer is boring. There were a total of I think 3 scores over the course of two hours. I wouldn’t know, I was too busy fantasizing about playing Rocket League instead of watching soccer. I got some good faces on the action shots though.

That face looks like a meme

That face looks like a meme

The Brasilians love the football. Even if they have to root for the Germans.

Germany Defending

Germany Defending

As an added bonus, and as an artist, I felt it only fair that I also captured the face of defeat.

The face of defeat

The face of defeat

For dinner we went to a big party at a private residence. I think the owner had recently died and his sons turned the building into a venue for parties and dinners. The whole place was really beautiful and the dinner was great. I wouldn’t want to cook for that many people, but they did a really great job.

Fancy pants party

Fancy pants party

Since it was night it was difficult to get this huge mountain looming over the property – but you get the idea.

Backdrop to a beautiful home

Backdrop to a beautiful home

Quick Update

As promised, here is the scoop on Christ Redeemer –
We took an open air jeep through the city on a guided tour up to Christ Redeemer.

The view from way up

The view from way up

It is huge in person. At 90 meters high, if this thing fell on you it would definitely kill you (and anyone around you), but unlike the demon horse in Denver which did so to it’s creator, it’s Christ so it hasn’t.

My arms are getting tired

My arms are getting tired

The view from atop the mountain is beautiful, you can see Copacabana beach and everywhere in the surrounding areas.

View from atop the mountain

Lots of black birds up here with us

Lots of black birds up here with us

Manmade Chasm we drove through

Manmade Chasm we drove through


More Brasil

More Brasil

You could even see Sugarloaf from up here, named after the “Sugarloaf”, a Brasilian container that used to be used to transport sugar.



We also got some great views of Favela’s (I am linking you guys to some bomb wikipedia articles, assuming you will actually click on them. If you don’t I will know). They are basically houses built upon houses, where lower income familes live. There are upwards of 500 of them in Brazil alone.

More Favelas!

More Favelas!

That’s all for now. We attended the Men’s Volleyball finals last night, but were rained out. I have a few images but not too many.

Motion Shot through town

Motion Shot through town

I got a couple of close shots while the jeep was moving. I didn’t even know I had them until afterwards. I sure am glad I brought my DSLR, you can’t get motion shots like this on an iPhone!



I am going to enter this photo into National Geographic because I think it’s kind of beautiful, although I feel a little intrusive because there is some kind of message or moment going on in it:

I can and will

I can and will

Aside from that, we’re getting a late start today. We had planned to be on the today show this morning but that didn’t happen, so we’re on to Football finals, and then they’re having a dinner and throwing a party tonight. I don’t see us staying up late in to the night dancing, but I am finally catching up on my sleep so as we all know that’s good for everyone. Talk to you all soon!