
I’ve mentioned a little bit about what this blog will be about, but I’d like to expand on that before I dive too deep into everything.

First, a little background. My name is Christopher Eckman. I live with my partner and our two dogs. I graduated from Metropolitan State University of Denver in 2012. I was working for a tech startup for a while but found the cubicle and programming life to be ultimately lacking and just not very rewarding, so I quit.

Since then, I have been exploring everything from photography to soldering in an attempt to discover my true passion. Instead, I’ve discovered that I have a lot of passions, and that trying to narrow myself into one is probably too limiting for my creativity. That’s where this blog comes in.

At least four nights a week I cook, using services like Blue Apron for recipes. I have asked their permission to share their wonderful ideas along with my results on this blog. I have also e-mailed a few other cookbooks for permission to post some of my other favorite recipes. I love cooking, I love reading and learning everything about Julia Child, and I love to eat. I briefly studied wine this last year as well as a class on writing food critiques. I know a little of everything, but not everything about anything. I hope this blog can be a learning experience for both my readers and myself.

I’m also a writer. I was recently published in an Arts and Literary magazine called the Metrosphere. I wrote a short piece titled “Heiwa”, and I will be adding it, along with some of my other creative non-fiction to this website. I have written other creative non-fiction pieces and will hopefully be submitting more for publication in the near future.

My partner and I love to travel and have been fortunate enough to travel all over the world. I also plan to share these experiences on my blog in a less formal manner along with my amateur photography of those travels and the food I learn about.

Really, this blog will be my exploration of all aspects of my life. Maybe you’ll read it because you appreciate my modesty and great wit. Maybe you’ll read it because I asked you to, and you’re a good friend. Maybe you’ll read it just because you hate my guts (although it seems like a better idea NOT to read it if that’s the case…). Whatever reason it is, I hope you can find some of the joy that I have found.



I have been working on this blog/wordpress website the better part of the day but you wouldn’t be able to tell just by looking at it. Mostly adding plugins and tweaking settings like registering the site with various search engines, doing some SEO, and generally just trying to prepare it for readership – all things to do after I’ve actually added some interesting and viewer-worthy content.

Quick thanks to Yoast, WordPress, Anders Norén, and Jetpack for providing me the tools to build this site and get started on something my friends and family have been urging me on to do for years. Time to do some more reading, and later tonight I’ll share what’s for dinner.


Saturday Morning

Finally the thaw has come and spring is abound. Which is good because it was just about time for SAD to take over and start killing whatever creativity I have left by this time of year.

We are off to pick out tile for our new home today – we spent about four hours on this wonderful task last weekend but I ran out of juice and started getting cranky with our designer, oops. What do I mean by cranky? Well…. I don’t know…. maybe I said something along the lines of “Well I don’t know! You’re the designer!”, or maybe not. Who knows. You don’t have any proof!

I’ve been tempted to just nuke the homepage and direct everyone to the blog, but I feel like it’s a good landing, and this way I can direct people to if I want to. This may change in the future, don’t get too used to it!

Will check in later – just wanted to write a quick note to get this things kickstarted and off the ground.
