‘ello London!

4:32am Central, or 10:32 London
Good morning everyone! I probably won’t have time to upload this post until tonight I get on the Heathrow Train when we’re at the hotel and I have a steady internet connection, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be writing it throughout the day! (What is Chris doing up at regular London time and why isn’t he crazy jet lagged? Well, let me tell you!) You may think I should be crazy jet lagged. Who is this person? But if you hop on over to my page of bookmarks, you’ll notice that under travel is an article titled: “Overcome Jetlag” from Lifehacker. They suggest that when traveling to skip a meal or two to trick your mind into adjusting it’s circadian rhythm to the next time you eat. So, I skipped the in-flight meal, wine, and port, and fasted for what has probably been about 12 hours now. AND I FEEL AMAZING! No cranky Chris in front of the Sagrata Familliga THIS time. I have never felt better waking up on a plane.
I got a head start on all my fellow passengers to the bathroom and used some much needed deodorant (how did I get so smelly so fast?), brushed my teeth, and got my face all clean before anyone else even awoke! I can already tell I’m going to be obnoxious to Tim today so I am going to have to put a cap on being pleased with myself TOO much. There is also a good chance I’m going to crash, but something tells me Fish and Chips and a Pint will take care of everything I need. You have no idea how badly I have been wanting Fish and Chips for the last 12 hours. I had decided if it was the in-flight meal (Yeah I know, I wanted Fish and Chips so bad I convinced myself it was a possibility to be the in-flight meal, and further more that it would have been worth sacrificing the last 8 hours of fasting when now I think, ew gross Fish and Chips on a plane???) You know me, I am easily blinded by the thought of fried food.
Breakfast is shortly on the way so I’ll stop off for now. I hope everyone is having a great Memorial Day weekend so far and ignores the fact that I have chosen to honor those who died by completely leaving the country. I know I will probably be on a list for this, and for going to China.

12:51pm (London)
We are on the Heathrow Express. It seems that the Heathrow Airport should have been featured on The Biggest Loser because I think I just got my steps in for the next two weeks and though I’m at sea level I can hardly breathe. We just finally got our tickets checked, which was a panic because my traveling partner said something to the effect of we might get kicked off the train which apparently was in jest but freaked me out anyway. Anyway I’m now blogging backwards on the Heathrow Express in London and we’re on our way to see if we can get to the Hotel and then sneak into Westminster Abbey before it closes. Okay. Apparently I need to look out the train windows now…. more updates soon!

2 thoughts on “‘ello London!

  1. How is London? I’ve heard good and bad and I’m not sure if I would ever want to travel there!
    That’s awesome that that life hack worked so well for you! I will have to bookmark that for myself for someday if I ever travel. I don’t have the wanderlust as you do, but I think for something big like a honeymoon I would love to travel somewhere across the ocean. I consider Hawaii across the ocean though so we’ll see where I end up 🙂
    I don’t even want to tell you how uncultured I am in not understanding Westminster Abbey but recognizing it.. haha.
    Well I am drinking a bottle of Pinot Grigio in your honor, or so we are going to call it. Hope everything is bloody lovely!

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