En Route: London Heathrow

Okay, I know. It’s not Cinco De Mayo. It’s not even anywhere near Cinco De Mayo anymore. And where is my post on Chicken Quesadillas? Where is it Chris? Not here, that’s where. I mean, it’s here, like I have the photos on my computer, but, it’s not here here. Like I haven’t written it yet, unfortunately. So why am I even posting at all? What right have I to promise a post and then not follow up with one?

I am posting because we have just left Denver on our way to Houston, (remember my last post was Houston, We Have Bookmarks? Just happenstance.) which we will then use to connect to London Heathrow airport. We’ll be spending about three days in London, and then will fly into Dublin and spend about three days in Ireland. And since my blog isn’t just about food, and it’s also about travel, I figured now would be as good a time as any to let you all know I’m planning on a good many posts in the coming week so I can pretend you have all come with me and we’re having just a merry time together. That’s right, I am posting to let you know that I will be posting more even though I didn’t get around to posting last time I said I would post.

More to come!



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