Groundhog Day

Dear Readers,

I’ve been asking myself lately, “Do you even blog, bro?”. I used to know the answer. I used to be SO confident, like, yeah bro, I blog. But lately, I just don’t know bro, I just don’t know.

Pouring over the last few posts the dates don’t seem to line up with reality. In Chris World (which can be an intensely frightening place – I’ll try to keep you as far away from it as possible) we have just moved out of our temp living apartment. But in Real World, we’re already coming up on our one year anniversary of living on the mainline outside of Philadelphia. In Chris World, all of my friends and family have been out to see me in the last few weeks, but Real World these weeks are actually months. Months and months of jumping through the moving hoops like finding new places to buy groceries, new doctors and vets and places to wash my car, new banks and new restaurants, new new new! Who ever knew everything could be so new!

Anywho, it’s still pretty quiet on the friend front. I seem to be digging up and polishing old friendships instead of crafting new ones, but given that our 5 year plan is in motion I’ll let that stand for now. The one or two new friends I’ve made here in the last year (why is everything rhyming today?) have sort of fizzled out unimpressively. Disappointing, but if I remember right it took me a good two years to make friends in Denver, so, par. Feels like double bogey, but probably par.

I start my Masters of Fine Arts in Creative Writing at Rosemont in a few weeks and I couldn’t be more excited. This will be a place to make friends, maybe a whole writer community I can grow with. It’s a small program and a small school, but as with most things I think if I put a lot into it I should be able to wrangle a lot out. Who knows? I mean you will, probably, because I’ll blog about it, but still.

Things are going OKAY with my whole grieving process. I can’t say it’s something I’d like to do ever again, even though I know someday I will. Some days are easier, and some are harder, and some seem like they’re going great and then the grief monster leaps out from behind the corner and mauls my face so it looks like I just saw titanic for the first time and I can’t explain what set it off I am just so sad. I usually call my little sister on those days and she has been great support. Everyone needs a little sister.

I think that’s about good for now. I’m punxsutawney Chris, peeping my head out from my proverbial winter to let you all know that no matter how long it lasts, spring is sure to follow. Hopefully the next update will be sooner instead of six more weeks.

Love Always,

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