Pulled Chicken Mole Quesadillas and Hand-crafted Margaritas (Written in Houston, TX for authenticity)

Recipe can be found here

Have you seen The Unbreakable Kelly Schmidt yet? If the answer is no, and you have Netflix, and you like Tina Fey, and you have any common decency then you need to start watching as soon as possible. For you, not for me. But if you’re already a pretty decent person and therefore have been watching The Unbreakable Kelly Schmidt then you will know why Mole sauce is so special.
Did you know Mole sauce is made out of Chocolate? I’m not even kidding, it’s like a sauce of melted chocolate.

My pictures look kind of blurry. Not sure what’s up with that, they usually look kind of amazing, not kind of blurry. Anyway, yes, it’s a sauce made of out melted chocolate and it’s pretty delicious. But let’s back up here…. what am I even doing? Have I forgotten how to think in chronological order? Am I just going to break all the rules? Probably.

You begin this recipe by boiling chicken breasts.

Let me just say, that if you are not so great at making chicken…. whether you’re grilling it, frying it, baking it, or whatever, you can rest assured that your Chicken will come out nearly perfect when boiling. The chicken cooks evenly, it cooks thoroughly, and it especially cooks tenderly. Boiling chicken is a foolproof way to make sure your chicken is soft, safe, and delicious.

After you’ve boiled you chicken, you’re going to strain out the water and let it sit. Meat continues to cook for a bit even after you’ve removed it from heat so make sure to let it finish cooking before you dice it or shred it or even just slice it. Someone in my house is not a fan of the texture shredded chicken has, so I diced mine. Honestly it’s not going to matter much as long as you get it into the sauce and onto the Quesadilla.
When cooking chicken in general, if you’re ever a little worried your outside is getting dry and crispy and your inside may not be cooked through, wrap it in aluminum foil as soon as you’ve removed it from heat and that added deflection of the heat back into the chicken will extend the cooking process hopefully just that extra amount for you to get your chicken to where it needs to be.

So now that you know your chicken is safe to eat and therefore however grand or terrible your meal might turn out it isn’t going to kill anyone, it’s time to make a drink. And what better drink to make for Cinco De Mayo then Margaritas. A word (okay, many words) on Margaritas.

Margarita purists will tell you that you need but three ingredients for an excellent Margarita. A decent tequila (I used Patron, but there are some higher tier Jose Cuervos that will do just fine), Contreau (You can use Triple Sec if you are more considerate of your budget than I am), and fresh limes. This recipe, from Chow, works great. I can admit that I am a fan of this style of Margarita, but also that there are many ways to make a delicious Margarita. If you feel as I do, open minded about the variety of acceptable margaritas, then don’t make the mistake my normally boughie friend Danielle made and ask for a frozen Margarita at the otherwise infallible Taco place Uno Mas. For the record, Uno Mas is delicious and we all still love it, but you should have seen the look the server gave us when he had to inform us that they don’t make “frozen” drinks and only real Margaritas. It will be similar to the face I will make at you if you ever make Margaritas with a mix. DO NOT MAKE YOUR MARGARITA FROM A MIX. Unless you have lost all respect for yourself. In which case you’re probably already eating Hot Pockets and who knows what else and what are you even doing on my blog except probably thinking of ways for me to die a slow and terrible death. By force feeding me Margarita Mix like something out of Se7en.

Once you’ve made the required blood pledge to your chosen Margarita God, you can proceed to make your Mole sauce.

You’ll add your chopped onions, the seasoning, and then the boiled chicken and chocolate.

This mixture will turn into the beautiful filling you see below, and you’re just going to spoon it onto your tortillas with some cheese.

Fry them, bake them, grill them, do whatever you would like until the tortilla is crisp, the cheese is melted, and your mouth is watering.

And that’s it! If you drank your Margarita too fast maybe skip the Mole Sauce and just grill the chicken and cheese quesadillas. Or just skip the cooking altogether and have Taco Bell. I don’t judge you, God does.

Love always,

One thought on “Pulled Chicken Mole Quesadillas and Hand-crafted Margaritas (Written in Houston, TX for authenticity)

  1. So I was really into this and the real margaritas when I was thinking about the ones at Mexican Village and then I kept reading and was like hey there are the frozen margaritas! And then I kept reading. And then I got sad because, yep, there are Hot Pockets in my freezer. But rest assured, I don’t wish you a death of box margarita mix.

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