Saturday Morning

Finally the thaw has come and spring is abound. Which is good because it was just about time for SAD to take over and start killing whatever creativity I have left by this time of year.

We are off to pick out tile for our new home today – we spent about four hours on this wonderful task last weekend but I ran out of juice and started getting cranky with our designer, oops. What do I mean by cranky? Well…. I don’t know…. maybe I said something along the lines of “Well I don’t know! You’re the designer!”, or maybe not. Who knows. You don’t have any proof!

I’ve been tempted to just nuke the homepage and direct everyone to the blog, but I feel like it’s a good landing, and this way I can direct people to if I want to. This may change in the future, don’t get too used to it!

Will check in later – just wanted to write a quick note to get this things kickstarted and off the ground.


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