On our way to the Big Island!

IMG_7961Mornings are seriously the worst. Anyone who says they like mornings is a fraud and should be handed in to the proper authorities immediately so that the rest of us will be allowed to sleep until we wake up naturally. Even on days when you are going to take a fabulous vacation, like today. My 7am is everyone elses 3am. But rest assured my vast number of readers that I am fairing well and soon will be on another plane to Hawaii.

Everytime I get to fly over the ocean I fantasize that I will get to go to THE ISLAND, but then remember I have never tortured anyone in the Gulf War, was not an alcoholic doctor, did not murder my step-father, was not a con artist, did not win the lottery, and so on and so fourth. Maybe I would be the Rose and insist to everyone that Tim was not dead but landed on a different part of the Island in the tail section and our strong emotional connection gave me the proof I needed to know he was waiting for me to go with Jack and find him. Maybe not. Maybe I would be like Boon and die in the first season. Bummer. Our plane hit some turbulence on the way here while I was in the bathroom and I had a flash of Charlie getting knocked about as the plane went down. 

Still haven’t heard back from Blue Apron, thinking if I can’t post the recipes I can at least post links to their site and pictures of the food I make. Will have beach pictures as soon as possible. BONUS picture of me writing this post.