I haven’t had a Facebook in a very long time. In fact, I’ve completely shied away from Social Media the last few years. There are multiple reasons for this, but in general its made life easier for me and I haven’t missed it.
But now I want to blog, and I am realizing that if I am ever to get any sort of traction, I’m going to need to engage – at least partially – in social media. Sort of the whole reason I created this space was to have a way to share my life and interests without Facebook. I was spending the majority of my day on it in the past and not in a very enriching way. It prevented some relationships in my life from naturally ending because it forced constant contact. It allowed people from my past to track me in a way I wasn’t a fan of. It was a security issue (not that anything isn’t anymore). That last part in the parenthesis is confusing. I mean to say that everything you say or do online is a security issue these days. There is no escaping us, me, you, if it’s out there it’s staying out there. For now anyway.
This is getting a little deeper than I had originally intended to go. The main thing I want to say in this post is that I’ve cleaned and updated my twitter and Pinterest accounts to interact nicely with the blog. It will automatically tweet on my account when a new post has been added, and I’m experimenting with a Pinterest board as a widget below. Additionally, all posts and special pages have now been integrated with social media sharing tools so if I post something especially interesting, hilarious, or embarrassing, I’ve made it easier for you to spread around. It’s also a shameless plug for me to get more readers. Or readers that I haven’t personally begged to come here, read, and comment. Not that those readers aren’t dearly valued, they are. Just, they can’t publish me.